Friday, September 10, 2010


Here is where Meredith went.

High in the Rockies.
Trees don't do so well as here in the Soggies.

Nice house. Lots of potential

Here is where she worked. The job site.

It is a team effort.
The folks she worked with.
Shake it but don't break it.

Bending over for long periods of time is not necessary.

Here is where she slept

Looks like fun.

After a week of this many fine tiny chunks of obsidian chips were added to the sum of human knowledge.

And she is off again tomorrow on another adventure beneath the thin veneer of civilization.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane!!
many, Many, MANY thanks to Meredith for the most scenic fotos from her past archaeological trip and to you, Lane, for sharing them with those of us confined to less-scenic parts of the world!!!
Now, I hope for more scenic pics from her current digs!! Best wishes for her!!!
P.S. I presume the LL also sends her best wishes to Meredith and regards to you, her, and Keth.

6:58 AM  

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