Monday, June 28, 2010

Bike stats splog

25 miles
37.2 max speed
10.8 avg speed
442.2 on the odometer + 1307 = 1749.2

At approx 6 miles I accidentally reset the computer.
So this is not as totally accurate as other rides.

When I reset it, I had an avg speed of 13.2, if I average that with the 10.8 of the second part of the trip, I get 12 mph. This is a long sought after goal for this particular ride. Unfortunately I don't think that particular way of determining averages is valid, so I'm just going to have to ride it again.
Actually the goal is 25 miles in 2 hours, so I'm still quite a bit short.

I'll try to come up with a more interesting post later.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane!!
As you know, I am back in the land where I can't use Umlauts or S-sets.
But I'm not surprised to find a bike-stat blog the first time I log on the stellamartis. Why not ride for the fun of it and the marvelous scenery you probably pas by at too fast a clip (reaching the goal of 12 m.p.h.) to enjoy the views. But, congratulations for reaching that 12 m.p.h. goal!!

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, again, Lane!!!!!!!
I forgot to sign the above "comment", so here:

1:42 PM  
Blogger Jannie Funster said...

There could be no post more interesting than this. Ever.


1:18 PM  

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