Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Yikes! Bikes!

Slightly iffy weather. Didn't really want to go.
Sprayed varnish on the rosewood violin.
Figured I'd best leave it alone so I pedaled off for half-a-lake ride.
Got home, took a look at the violin and promptly stuck a couple fingerprints in the still wet (duh) varnish.
I was planning to sand it down for the next coat anyway.

Trip length 25.1 miles
Trip duration 2:27:14 hours
Maximum speed 28.5
Average speed 10.1 mph
Total miles to date 1213
ambient temperature 66 deg.

Actually the first 12 miles were done at 12.9 average speed.
But then came the hills, the headwind, and the fatigue.
Didn't even try to ride up the last hill to home.

Took a shower, ate a sausage, and went to the hardware store for a couple new toilet seats.
I was let down rather rudely this morning.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane!
Sorry to read of the rude "let down"; good to read of your bike ride, but we would still like to read what you saw on the way that was scenic/beautiful, and not just the statistics.
Anonomann (+ LL)

2:25 AM  

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