Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Fall behind

I have stuffed myself with roots and berries.
I am very sleepy.
Wake me in May.


Blogger Glenn Buttkus said...

You sound a bit like the troll who lives under the bridge near the castle, sir. God, I heard on the radio that Sarah Palin, hersself, is considering appearing live on SNL. Perhaps she can do a parody skit on Tina Fey, or they can do a dueling Palins, kind of like John Belushi and Peter Boyle did with their dueling Brandos.

Is the clock changing coming up again? Christ, it seems to happen about 4 times a year. What state is it that disregards that bullshit, and it remains the same kind of time all year? Colorado? Utah? One of those southwestern progressives, enit?

I am immersing myself into Sherman Alexie's poetry again, putting a bunch of them individually on FFTR. Back about a 1,000 posts ago, I did a posting with most all of the free ones from the net, but they, he, deserves another look and read. Whipped out another poem as response to another Rick Mobbs painting. That is always a daunting and delicious task. Alex posted some new material this week. Even Janet Leigh found some energy to post a poem this week. Kind of landmark times, peak experiences. Tried to find some poetic lines in Rod Stewart lyrics; bit challenging that.

Today I have to take some time off and go home and meet Melva, and take our 15 year old pooch to the vet for her last round up; the dirt nap--"put the poor bitch down." as some would put it. She is completely deaf, and whines and howls 24/7 if put outside. Some of the neighbors have complained, and Animal Control has come to the door. If we leave her in the house she urinates and defecates on the rug. A sad day at the Buttkus/Stolhand hacienda. I know, it's just an old dog, but she is a family member too. Maybe that is the way I will check out. My kids and younger wife will just take me to the Kevorkian clinic and ,"put the old bastard down. All he does all day is drool, bitch, and crap himself." Food for thought. Hell, wake me in May as well.


6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane!
Roots and berries are health foods.
Anonomann and (this time) LL

1:55 AM  

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