Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Sex scandal continues to rock Seattle Symphony

Blogger butch said...

Persona Non Grata, a "disappeared person"--odd, but you seem pretty substantial to the FFTLites out here. Perhaps the SSO does not have very many employees who admit following your adventures on this site. As to them removing your comment, what did you expect--that they would send you a thank you card, with the message,"All is forgiven! Please return to our premises immediately." ?

Pathos, bathos, mathos, palmeros--yup, the SSO meets all the "os" factor. You do amaze me with how long you can harbor a grudge, how long you can continue to rant at a blind behemoth, and indifferent corporate block of dullards. It does, however, give you something to fixate on when you run out of other projects and distractions, enit?

5:36 AM

Theoretically, being a citizen who has never been arrested, or charged, or sentenced, I should be free to walk the streets of the city I've lived in since birth, and to which I've paid bountiful taxes.
The fact that this organization, which lives on more tax money than it is worth, can continue to restrict that freedom without so much as the simplest of explanations is a continuing affront to me, and any concept that this is a civilized society.
Or that the "freedoms" we are killing our soldiers for have any meaning whatsoever.

As long as the offense continues, I have no choice but to be offensive.


Blogger Lane Savant said...

Speaking of art and music sites, check out Tamara Weikel's (no relation to Ramona) lovely one.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue their F*King A**es. Its your town not theirs!

Innocent till proven!

Hows that for composer anger?

7:11 PM  
Blogger Glenn Buttkus said...

Man,that "Blogger Butch" has quite a mouth on him, as does Composerbastard. I am surprised that Anonomann has not added his ten marks worth.

As to your freedoms, sir, they are legion; for this is America. At least it used to be before the Bush Wars, and 4 buck gas. But, hell, here you are on a blog site, sounding off at the SSO, and there is not a goddamned thing they can do about it. As to confronting you on the sidewalk in front of Benaroya, they are so far off base it is not funny. What do we pay all those taxes for, if not to insure our rights and freedoms? Damn rights!

I did not mean to demean your passion or angst when it comes to the offenses you have suffered at the hands of the indifferent and ignorant denizens of SSO. Hell, it has fueled your anger, and stroked your creativity for years. It is one of the reasons you started the FFTL blog site, so that you would have a public forum to make your points, to rant, to rave, to postulate, to pontificate, enit?


5:58 AM  
Blogger Lane Savant said...

Nice anger C.B.!

The things I like most about the internet are the ability to edit, the word "hamlet" would never have occurred extemporaneously (nor would I have ever been able to pronounce extempuraninnisough), nor would I have ever been able to keep a straight face long enough to get the whole piece out.

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Down with the establishment, Man.

Where's your sense of culture and history here Butch Boy? This is a repeat out of the 60's. This is a true revolution, not a pantywaist toy-walk with fancy words. This is reality. And someone somewhere has to say "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore". Tha't be you! Let it start now!

If Maestro Savant is unable to walk the streets of musical Seattle freely, then who can? Who's freedom will they clip and how with they play judge and jury when they do it? Who gets a chance at arts education and entertainment and who has to listen to old Lawrence Welk polka albums in the basement eating spam and mayonnaise and string cheeze?

You know what I say? Let LS in and about. Hell, if they have any problems about where his hands might go in that candy shack, they can just lock up all their slutty psychotic flute and harp players and be done with it. Or have a chaperone with a tail whip. Even if LS plays winky at all the ushers, thats still not a crime...at least I haven't come across it when I go winkying about downtown at SFO. But hey, California is progressive...SSO is outrageous. Teach them where they need to put their head.

Sign the petition.

Grab a sign.


6:03 PM  
Blogger Lane Savant said...

As I was riding the elevator up to the meeting I managed to provoke with Human Resources to try to straighten out whatever the problem was with my asking a flute player if she's listen to a flute "concerto" I wrote, one of the security dufusses was in the same car trying to chat up one of the girls who worked there.
(Note to you PC losers out there, any chromosome deficient under the age of 45 is a girl to me, so grow up)

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TWO soldiers! TWO!!
The Savant Army grows!

.............The Count

10:15 PM  
Blogger Glenn Buttkus said...

Soldiers Three and Anonomann makes Four!

My sense of history and culture, actually, is quite acute there, CB, but don't let your liberal bent distort reality. Yes, wouldn't it be fun to turn out by the thousands like we did in 1968 from the UofW campus, march onto I5 and stop traffic. That was cool until the pigs showed up in riot gear. A lot of people got hurt that day.

You will not get disagreement from me when you rail at the establishment, it's just that the establishment is much closer to Fascism now than ever before. Bush's boys, the secret police, the internet police, and the bully thugs who work for SSO are everywhere. Because Homeland Security has not bashed down any wrong doors for a time, or at least the media has not reported it if they have, does not mean things have ebbed or the oppression has slacked off.

So focus your "anger" elsewhere CB, I am not your antagonist. I am your compeer and compadre. And I love your image of the poor soul who has to resort to,"listen to old Lawrence Welk polka albums in the basement eating spam and mayonaise and string cheeze." Terrific wordsmithing, there, sir.


5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a statistical showing. Mathematics is our friend here. Where there are 4, there are the many.
And that many rises from the masses. Our brothers and sisters are everywhere, and once they know they will be outraged, as outraged as we are. Once they are educated, that force and that desire for change will overcome the mediocrity that is before us, and the fascists that are deceiving themselves with control will be gone.

When the story is told, they will know the truth. That a proletariat, just like they, has been wronged by an aristocratic bourgeois dysfunctional money grubbing pretentious organization - the likes that has never set foot on this planet - the Seattle Sucky Orchestra.

The story is of a man...a decent fellow..who has no other pleasure than to ride his bike, to craft strange instruments with his life born skills, to lend his heart and what little rubles he has to a greater musical cause - that asked nothing more than a bit of understanding about it, so he too could feel the joys of what art is and the power of transformation it contains for all. That art is indifferent to predjudice in spreading joy, atonement, and enlightenment.

Yes, a man, a simple man...who almost single handedly built that same organization with those life torn fingers, while holding nails with his teeth. Given thousand of hours and sweat to craft a home for it. Has given love....yes love...pure and unbashful naive and embarrassing love to the musical world.

And what did he receive? What did our brother receive for his kindness, his life spent, and his discomfort in small places??

Snubbed! Snubbed and spit on! Stamped on his heart! Kicked in the groin! Walked on like a grub and old ant! And banished, censored, and cast aside like an old prune pit!

Yes, if an army of 4 went down there with signs, and the news got out, I rest assured there would be a Tsunami of change that would shake to the roots of the Peoples Republic of Seattle. There are others, comrade Butch, who will not sit idling by. Especially if we bring FREE refreshments. And if those donuts are good, the press will certainly follow.

Rise o ye people! Rise from your hiding places...behind your TV's and your Xboxes. Rise from your complacent cardboard boxes and your cell like garbage cans called waterfront townhomes.

The call is clear!


8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Glenn (& Lane),
I did not comment on your latest SSO comments as I didn't read them until today (3 July) as I was on the road crossing the Cascades\Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies on all three Antrak routes across them, and the small enclaves where I overnited when not sleeping on trains were too small to have public Internet connections -- but did get SSO info by way of a Minneapolis Symphony back-bench 2nd Violinist (see my most recent blog comment in an above Blog)/

3:34 PM  

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