Saturday, July 26, 2008

Couple days go by

I had planned on a bike trip today but last night as we were going to the Chamber festival, the clutch on the Vol started acting up, so today was an under the car trip instead.
The pilot bearing went bad.
We got there and back... just barely.
I'm putting in a new clutch.
Ready for another 150,000 miles.

I take back what I said about standing ovations. The first half of the concert didn't get but a few standees.
The first half consisted of Beethoven at his cutest.
a trio for piano, clarinet, and cello called "in B flat Major Op 11" an early work (later works went up in the high hundreds)
Sean Osborn, clarinet
Bion Tsang, cello
Alon Goldstein, piano

And Johannes Brahms' "Variation on a Theme by Schumann for Piano, Four Hande in E-flat Major, Op 23"
The piece wasn't much longer than the title.
During intermission I overheard it described as "beautiful" by one, "brutal" by the guy he was talking to.
And "muddled" by the voice in my head.
Most Brahms seems to run into a wall of hysteresis as far as I've ever heard.
Orion Weiss, piano right side
Anna Polonsky, piano left side (they traded off on the pedals)

Then, once again, the audience participated in the large dance work known as "The Intermission for numerous feet in Arch flat Op (in the millions)"

Then the rousing finale to the evening, Sergei Taneyev's "Quintet for piano and strings in G minor Op 30"

Four movements;
Powerful Russian Drama.
Cute little Russian scherzo.
More Russian Drama in a melancholy largo.
Powerful Russian melancholy Melodrama.

This time the standing ovation was enthusiastically leapt to by the audience.
Even I creaked to attention and admitted to myself that it was pretty darn good.
I wouldn't ever admit that to you, however.
My music is much more intelligent and psychologically deep.
I am truly "ahead of my time"
And a few other's time to boot.
This is why the SSO fears me.

Jun Iwasaki, violin
Lili Francis, violin
Richard O'Neill, viola
Robert deMaine, Cello
Adam Nieman, piano.

There was a recital before the main show.
For piano and oboe
Something by Poulanc
Something by Walton of Britten about grasshoppers and wasps.
And some practice exercises by Bozza
I lost the program for that bit.
The Poulanc was pretty good.
The Walton or Britten, or whoever, was pretty cute.
The Bozza?!

I know I didn't try to bore you with my usual Wednesday slink into town.
It was the usual slink into town.
Including (something I may not have told you about) loading up on croissants, going upwind of B-Hall and farting in their general direction.

Thursday, I didn't post I can't remember why. I can't even remember Thursday.

Which probably explains something......



Blogger Glenn Buttkus said...

And there you are, under the Volvo putting in a new clutch. Wow. Most of us would have to spend several hundred bucks to have some mechanic do the work for us because we lack the skill and ability to do it ourselves. You are so fortunate to have a qualified mechanic in your household, even in your pants, so to speak.

These Chamber festivals that you attend on Friday nights are pretty nifty, keeping you immersed in music, bombarded by classical tunes, and less likely to claw at the ceiling-so to speak.

While you were there with at least one ear cocked toward the performers, I was in Wal Mart with my son-in-law, Brian, buying a new Sony 32" flatscreen LCD HD television to surprise Melva when she gets back from Chicago. Of course she called Saturday, and already had figured out what we were up to since she had directed Brian to go out and look for one without my knowledge. Anyway now we have this HD TV and we have to contact Comcast to come out and give us the upgraded HD box so that we can receive the proper signal or some shit. It is just another excuse to squeeze an extra $6.95 per month out of us. We pay them for our phone services, Broadband computer lines, and the premium cable offer. You could send a kid to college for what we spend monthly on this crap.

Perhaps my smart ass comments last week, awaiting the Downtown news put you off a bit, or maybe we were all too busy posting like 20 comments on the posting prior to that--but it is refreshing to visualize you flatuating in the general direction of Benaroya, from high ground, on high, being high and low similtaneously.


6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually you were not "flatuating" toward B-Hall, you were flatulating, enit?

...........Chief Dan George

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane!
I have the program sheet for Nathan Hughes' superb oboe recital in case you wanted to know the name of the composer of what Nathjan described as the exercise that practically every oboe student must suffer through. He, however, played it superbly, as one should suspect from the Principal Oboe of the nation's leading orchestra, that of the Metropolitan Opera Co. Nathan is also a superb human being!!

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Y'all!
Jeremy Denk still has not put anything on his blogsite (
about his Seattle three weeks!!

3:10 PM  

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