Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yet another Thursday in the life

You know the outline.
After the coffee and cookie bit, this time I went to the Pike Place brewery for a hamburger and a stout.
Never got around to ordering the 'burger be cause the stoutwas so efficient at relaying God's message that he loves me and wants me to be happy.

Had steak an egg breakfast at a different place instead.

Don't remember the name, but the food's good, go there sometime.

Having done not a bloody thing musically all last week, David came up with a different kind of lesson for me.
Through composing.
Had me pick some musical elements and stick them together without listening first.
Just write it down as I goes along.

Then he played the thing out for me.

I'll post it.

Can't get a hold of sci to upload the string quartet,
If you're desperate to hear it.
Go to the Facebook or ReverbNation site.
It's called "A Walk in the Park"'s another picture.
Somewhere way out west....



Blogger Glenn Buttkus said...

Remember your California days, when the Pike was an amusement pier in Long Beach? I wonder how Pike Place Market got its name? You stab things like fish and logs with a pike--perhaps back in the pioneer days, there was a more immediate acknowledgement of the symbols.

God does want you to be happy. He told me so. I was chatting with Him/Her/Allthatis/Spirit/Being/It about my health issues, and being grateful that I am regaining a modicum of strength and have begun in a tiny way to turn around the bad place I have been in physically for over a decade or so. The energy work, the Bowen Treatments, I am doing with a facilitator, is still making measurable progress.

Was your steak rare? How do you like your eggs? Was there taters with it and toast? What kind of toast? Did you just slurp coffee with it, or knock down some orange juice? Be specific, sir.

Can we assume that as you composed this new piece David asked you to do, that you did in fact hear the notes, or a facsimile of the music in your head? Kind of like Beethoven did when he couldn't hear shit.

Those rock towers look a lot like the hunk edifices outside of Moab, Utah as well. Nice that gas was only like three bucks a gallon when you traveled. It went up three cents again yesterday; the sombitches.

Melva gets out of school a week from today. We were going to hit the road the next morning, but being an old duffer, I was offered a chance to lead a film discussion at the Grand Theater in Tacoma, on Saturday June 21, and I accepted; forgetting that was our departure date. Oh well, we will leave on Sunday morning instead. It will be a short trip into Montana to see Melva's blind aunt, north of Yellowstone a bit--with no extra driving around. We'll show those oil baron bastards!


5:39 AM  

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