Friday, March 28, 2008

Ha Ha

Took the Volvo to Midas this morning because the exhaust was making inappropriate noises.
While they dealt with that, I walked around Renton for a couple of hours.

It started to snow.

Why they cant keep weather phenomena restricted to their appropriate seasons is beyond me.
Anyway, it was fun to get snowed on, get my feet wet, and spend a few minutes in a doughnut house with a large coffee, maple bar (somewhat stale, but tasty nontheless)
Anyway again, I got to drive in a nicely quiet (except for that recondite rattle from the back somewhere that I've been trying to stifle for eight years now) car.

Always nice to get home and put on dry socks and warm slippers.

Last night we went to Grazies at Southcenter for dinner. Afterwards we popped over to half-priced books just to browse.
Actually we didn't pop, we drove, but you know I mean.
I browsed about thirty-five bucks worth.
Just a minute (I can spell that properly) I'll go get them...........

O.K. "The Rough Guide to the Cello" 4 bucks. I already know a lot of it but there are some interesting bits about "wolfs"

"The Tao of Willy" 6 bucks. Willy Nelsons personal philosophy. Some jokes;
Skeleton walks into a bar says to the bartender "Gimme a pint and a mop"
"Blog Wild" maybe a way to link more of my mp3s, we'll see. I don't know how much it cost, who cares?

"Saturday Night" a comprehensive history about the show it's genesis and whatever comes after what I've read so far.

"Live from New York" interviews with everybody who has been involved in the show except for Eddy Murphy. Maybe I'll find out why later on.

Lorne Michaels wrote the following joke for Woody Allen.
"I became obsessed with the notion that somewhere in the world there was a person having the same thought that I was and at the same moment. I decided to call that person, but the line was busy.

Another one from Willy;
Guy goes to the doctor. Doc checks him out and prescribes.
"Take three of these green ones with a big glass of water at 10 in the morning.
Take two of these blue ones with a large glass of water at 2 in the afternoon.
Then take two of these red ones with a large glass of water at 6 in the evening."

Guy says "geez, doc, what's wrong with me?
Doc says "you're not drinking enough water."

The walk was nice.
Didn't seem to solve anything, however.
But then, I have no problems to solve.
I do, however have some beautiful mysteries to ponder.

I'm still waiting for my health and the weather to co-operate with me on a bike ride.

What the heck; here's one that pertains to my stage of life;
Two old friends are out golfing, Lane turns to Butch and says "You know I cant see all that well, so watch and tell me where the ball goes"
Butch agrees and Lane makes a nice drive off the tee, turns to Butch and says "well, where'd it go?"
Butch thinks for a minute and says "I don't remember"

Well, that's all the time we have for today, be back again tomorrow.
If the good Lord's willin' and the creek don't rise.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane (& Glenn)!
Maybe you had a "hole-in-one" when you couldn't see where the ball finally went (-- it was in the hole where the pole was)!!

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane!
It also snowed in Schwerin on 28 March. On 30 March (yesterday), it was 17 degrees Celsius (= approx. 68 degrees Fahrenheit).
Today, it should reach that height, too, so, we'll probably work in the LL's garden spot after she finishes volunteering at the State Library this morning.

2:06 AM  
Blogger Glenn Buttkus said...

Old golfers never die, they just loose their balls.

Being gone a week takes the wind out of one's sails, sort of. Just flew in last night (Friday April 4), and boy are my arms tired.

What do you do with your once-read books, Lane? Do you trade them in on new ones sometimes?

That snow here in the end of March really was a shocker. We left late Thursday, March 27. The Weather Channel showed us snow here for several days, into April Fool's Day. The 75-80 degree weather in Texas felt good; also humid as hell--about half the time I had trouble breathing.

Good to be back. Good to be blogging.


7:25 PM  

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