Monday, February 05, 2007

Chutzpa, Part two

I recently got these two letters in the mail
Jan 17 from Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Mr Douglas Palmer
Re Contact with th Seattle symphony
Dear Mr. palmer
The Seattle Symphony has again asked me to communicate with you regarding your conduct. I understand that on Monday, January 8 at approximately 9:15 you were again on the property of Benaroya Hall. You have been specifically instructed not to enter onto that property. Your entrance onto the propertyserved no purpose other than to provoke a confrontation.
You are again reminded that you are not bermitted on benaroya Hall property. Further
entrance on the property will lead to contact with the police to have you removed.
Very Truly yours
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Mark Berry (signature)
cc Ginny Matheson

I have been asked to not contact the SSO. Benatoya Hall is city property and a public space. I am tempted to contact the police myself.

Now a letter dated January 24 2007
Dear Douglas
Thank you for being a Seattle Symphony volunteer! You play a very important role in helping the Symphony enrich, engage, and educate hundreds of thousands of people each year.
The SSO volunteers are a special group of people who share a wonderful camaradie and passion for symphonic music. Everyone's individual contribution continues to have a profound impact on helping the Symphony function sucessfully as an organization. I feel honored to work with such dedicated individuals who share so generously of thier time.
I am now asking you to expand your involvement and investment in the Symphony by renewing your support of the Annual Fund. This important fund helps provide for the Symphony's areas of greatist need, such as musicians' salaries, guest artists and educational programming.
Ticket sales cover only half of our operating expenses, making contributed income crucial to the Symphony. By supporting the Annual Fund, you are helping the Symphony realize it's extraordinary mission to provide the highest quality music for the cultural enrichment of our community.
Please consider joining me by renewing your support today. You can make a donation or pledge by completing the form attached to the enclosed brochure and sending it to the Symphony. For more information, pleasr call the Symphomy's Developpment office at 206 215 4846
Thank you again for all you do for the Symphony, and for your thoughtful consideration of my request.
Evelyn Simpson
President, SSV Executive Board
P.S. As a valued Symphony member, you will enjoy an exciting array of donor benefits such as invitations to Open Rehearsals; Behind the Scenes events with the Guest Artists; 2-for=1 concert coupons and access to the norcliffe Founders Room, Seattle Symphony's elegant donor lounge and Wolfgang Puck restaurant, which is now available to donors at the $250 and above levels.

Nice to be so loved and appreciated, isn't it?

There is some serious brain damage going on with these lunatics


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment on the previous blog is even more applicable here. Does the Sea Symph own Seattle's "public" sidewalks??

5:54 PM  

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