We've got 9 1/2 inches of the stuff
Nice day today, the sun is coming out.
Booted up (my feet) and walked about a mile to the store.
Over dressed because the family seems to think that this is some kind disaster area and we should hide in a bunker until it's over.
So I got back almost as sweaty as if I had ridden 20 miles on the Peugeot.
Popped a couple changes into the viola concerto.
Gotta move on and write something new I guess.
Cello concerto is next on the concerto project so I suppose it's that.
Ho hum...
Life without coffee seems to lack a lot of inspiration.
So... I'm not very funny today.
At least W has stimulated the shoe industry.
And he did something else funny the like of which I can't remember.
I, here's what it looks like around here.
Off the deck and into the wilderness
Squirrels leaping and surfing through the snow.
Birds pecking away at the stuff fallen out of the feeder while bigger birds hog the feeder.
Cat refuses to go out side at all (except for the litter box we've kindly placed on the porch)
The gong and the old apple tree
I don't remember ever having a white Christmas here
Some kind of bush out the north window
That's about it for today I'm going to catch a nap
Nice day today, the sun is coming out.
Booted up (my feet) and walked about a mile to the store.
Over dressed because the family seems to think that this is some kind disaster area and we should hide in a bunker until it's over.
So I got back almost as sweaty as if I had ridden 20 miles on the Peugeot.
Popped a couple changes into the viola concerto.
Gotta move on and write something new I guess.
Cello concerto is next on the concerto project so I suppose it's that.
Ho hum...
Life without coffee seems to lack a lot of inspiration.
So... I'm not very funny today.
At least W has stimulated the shoe industry.
And he did something else funny the like of which I can't remember.
I, here's what it looks like around here.
Squirrels leaping and surfing through the snow.
Birds pecking away at the stuff fallen out of the feeder while bigger birds hog the feeder.
Cat refuses to go out side at all (except for the litter box we've kindly placed on the porch)
I don't remember ever having a white Christmas here
That's about it for today I'm going to catch a nap
fitylHey, while you were composing this posting, and putting on the pics, which are great, the anono gang were tearing things up on your last comment, often bitching cuz you had updated your news yet. Such is life here in FFTLland.
Several folks, including myself, asked you if you had attended Judith's party. Guess it was old news to you, cuz nada has been your consistent response.
12", a damned foot of snow, that's what we had in the yard. some of it has melted off a bit. Rain is coming Wednesday night, but more snow is forecasted for tonight; hopefully less than another inch.
I received your CD of the viola concerto. Haven't listened to it yet, but will over the holidays. What is with your coffee abstinance? Is it really a health consideration?
Thanks to W that Arab will probably spend a year in jail. He knew that when the threw the first shoe, for showing one's heel to a head of state or some such crap.
Love the look of Rancho Palmer; nothing like a 10" coating of white shit to spruce things up a bit, enit? We probably had a White Christmas one or twice in our lifetime, but nothing like this one; even though it will be raining so the slush will be phenominal.
I made it to the office today. The freeways are clear. The last 200 yards of walking in from the truck were the hard part.
Hallo, Lane + Meredith + Keth!
Nine and a half inches of snow on the ground and can't remember a "white christmas" in Seattle; that's ominous and frightening!!!
The only person who would like that would be the LL, who loves to go ice-skating. Some entrepreneur has set up an artificial ice rink in the large open square between the State Theater and the Castle, and Margrit has had lots of fun on it. She also sends regards.
Yes, yes, I found another Palmer poem midst the prose:
Snow, Snow
We've got 9 1/2 inches of the stuff
Nice day today,
the sun is coming out.
Booted up (my feet)
and walked about a mile to the store.
Over dressed because
the family seems to think
that this is some kind disaster area
and we should hide in a bunker
until it's over.
So I got back almost as sweaty
as if I had ridden 20 miles on the Peugeot.
Squirrels leaping and surfing
through the snow.
Birds pecking away at the stuff
fallen out of the feeder
while bigger birds hog it.
Cat refuses to go out side at all
(except for the litter box
we've kindly placed on the porch)
I don't remember ever
having a white Christmas here
Doug Palmer December 2008
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