Thursday, June 07, 2007

Solvitur Ambulando

Solvitur Ambulando. Variously translated as; It is solved by walking, to solve a problen, walk around, many things are solved by walking, you can sort it out, you can work it out, you can find it, unknot it, free it by walking, and possibly more.
Attributed to St. Augustine. (I've been called a saint. Also a prince, a gentleman, a scholar, and, once, even a "decent guy")
What I'm using it here for is to complain about my sore back.
I think that walking around is good for it. Gentle exercise. Upright posture so that there the muscles used for balance are evenly and lightly stressed. Blood circulation. Respiration.
It is getting better although the deposits of lactose, or whatever it is that it is that causes the pain and spasms, seem to have moved to a different part of my back.
Ain't that always the way it goes?
O.K. I'm going to explain a joke here. The label for that last post is "latin pedalpoint". pedalpoint is a musical term for a long held note that sort of establishes a base for the music, sort of a safety net underneath it all (so the notes don't fall out, I guess)
It comes from the organ practice of resting one's brogans on the, listen carefully here, pedals.
Peds, pods (triPOD), bicycle operating devices, (from a word like ped from some old language or other, like greek, latin, sanskrit, or even bantu, I don't know, go look it up)
So, anyway, I'm explaining a joke here.
Pedalpoint here means to point your feet.
In the direction of a problem in this case.
Or a dilemma, {which is Greek for "two problems"} or enigma, for solviturian reasons {like a sore back or a broken heart [or a fear of the unknown]}
It (the joke) also refers, obliquely to the address of this site (stellamartis), which is the latin nomination for the planet Mars. The Romans called it a star, probably because it looked like one. Still does, as far as I'm concerned.
Stella means star and martis means war.
They called it the war star because it is red
That's their opinion, they all look the same to me (white)
Anyway, that's why the blog is so labeled.
You've got to watch out for stuff like that here.
So...solvitorian ambulandoism is doing it's job on my little back annoyance, but it hasn't done much for my "music career" (another snide joke)or the the moral, psychological, legal, emotional, social, ethical, and self esteem questions raised by the Seattle Symphony/dulcimer hammering bear incident.
I just got another invitation to attend something at B'hall. They just can't seem to let go. I guess if it means so much to them...
It's really thier problem innit?
I seem to have lost my train of thought. Perhaps if I walk around a bit...



Blogger Glenn Buttkus said...

Actually you are good friends with Ambulation. You do spend a lot of time on walks, just walking around, and I'm certain there are many good health reasons to continue to "Solve by Walking". At first, I bit on your caustic wit, and thought that Solvitur might have been someone we went to high school with, or someone you knew in the Army, or he was your pool man in LA, or the night manager of the Ferrari garage you worked at once. But hell no, it/he was just another of your clever puns.

Aurelius Augustinus, Augustine of Hippo, or Saint Augustine (November 13, 354 – August 28, 430) is one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity, there considered to be one of the church fathers. In Roman Catholicism and the Anglican Communion, he is a saint and pre-eminent Doctor of the Church, and the patron of the Augustinian religious order. Many Protestants, especially Calvinists, consider him to be one of the theological fathers of Reformation teaching on salvation and grace. In Orthodox Churches he is considered Blessed or even a saint by some while others are of the opinion that he is a heretic, primarily for his statements concerning what became known as the filioque clause. Born in Africa as the eldest son of Saint Monica, he was educated in Africa and baptized in Milan. His works—including The Confessions, which is often called the first Western autobiography—are still read around the world.

Saint Augustine was of Berber descent[1] and was born in 354 in Thagaste (present-day Souk Ahras, Algeria), a provincial Roman city in North Africa. At the age of 11, Augustine was sent to school at Madaurus, a small Numidian city about 19 miles south of Tagaste.[2] At age seventeen he went to Carthage to continue his education in rhetoric. His revered mother, Monica,[3] was a Berber and a devout Catholic, and his father, Patricius, a pagan. Although raised as a Catholic, Augustine left the Church to follow the controversial Manichaean religion, much to the despair of his mother. As a youth Augustine lived a hedonistic lifestyle for a time and, in Carthage, he developed a relationship with a young woman who would be his concubine for over fifteen years. During this period he had a son, Adeodatus,[4] with the young woman. His education and early career was in philosophy and rhetoric, the art of persuasion and public speaking. Disturbed by the unruly behaviour of the students in Carthage, in 383 he moved to Rome, where he believed the best and brightest rhetoricians practiced. However, Augustine was disappointed with the Roman schools, which he found apathetic. Once the time came for his students to pay their fees they simply fled. Manichaean friends introduced him to the prefect of the City of Rome, Symmachus, who had been asked to provide a professor of rhetoric for the imperial court at Milan.

"St Augustine and Monica" (1846), by Ary Scheffer.The young provincial won the job and headed north to take up his position in late 384. At age thirty, Augustine had won the most visible academic chair in the Latin world, at a time when such posts gave ready access to political careers. However, he felt the tensions of life at an imperial court, lamenting one day as he rode in his carriage to deliver a grand speech before the emperor, that a drunken beggar he passed on the street had a less careworn existence than he did.

It was at Milan that Augustine's life changed. While still at Carthage, he had begun to move away from Manichaeism, in part because of a disappointing meeting with a key exponent of Manichaean theology. At Milan, this movement continued. His mother Monica pressured him to become a Catholic, but it was the bishop of Milan, Ambrose, who had most influence over Augustine. Ambrose was a master of rhetoric like Augustine himself, but older and more experienced. Prompted in part by Ambrose's sermons, and partly by his own studies, in which he steadfastly pursued a quest for ultimate truth, Augustine renounced Manichaeism. After a flirtation with skepticism, he then became an enthusiastic student of Neoplatonism, and for a time believed he was making real progress in his quest.

Augustine's mother had followed him to Milan and he allowed her to arrange a society marriage, for which he abandoned his concubine (however he had to wait two years until his fiancée came of age; he promptly took up in the meantime with another woman). It was during this period that he uttered his famous prayer, "Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet" [da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo] (Conf., VIII. vii (17)).

In the summer of 386, after having read an account of the life of Saint Anthony of the Desert which greatly inspired him, Augustine underwent a profound personal crisis and decided to convert to Christianity, abandon his career in rhetoric, quit his teaching position in Milan, give up any ideas of marriage, and devote himself entirely to serving God and the practices of priesthood, which included celibacy. Key to this conversion was the voice of an unseen child he heard while in his garden in Milan telling him in a sing-song voice to "tolle lege" ("take up and read") the Bible, at which point he opened the Bible at random and fell upon the Epistle to the Romans 13:13, which reads: "Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying" (KJV). He would detail his spiritual journey in his famous Confessions, which became a classic of both Christian theology and world literature. Ambrose baptized Augustine, along with his son, Adeodatus, on Easter Vigil in 387 in Milan, and soon thereafter in 388 he returned to Africa. On his way back to Africa his mother died, as did his son soon after, leaving him alone in the world without family.

Upon his return to north Africa he created a monastic foundation at Tagaste for himself and a group of friends. In 391 he was ordained a priest in Hippo Regius, (now Annaba, in Algeria). He became a famous preacher (more than 350 preserved sermons are believed to be authentic), and was noted for combating the Manichaean heresy, to which he had formerly adhered.

In 396 he was made coadjutor bishop of Hippo (assistant with the right of succession on the death of the current bishop), and remained as bishop in Hippo until his death in 430. He left his monastery, but continued to lead a monastic life in the episcopal residence. He left a Rule (Latin, Regula) for his monastery that has led him to be designated the "patron saint of Regular Clergy", that is, Clergy who live by a monastic rule.

Augustine died on August 28, 430, at the age of 75, during the siege of Hippo by the Vandals. He is said to have encouraged its citizens to resist the attacks, primarily on the grounds that the Vandals adhered to the Arian heresy. It is also said that he died just as the Vandals were tearing down the city walls of Hippo.

Let us, then, omit the conjectures of men who know not what they say, when they speak of the nature and origin of the human race. For some hold the same opinion regarding men that they hold regarding the world itself, that they have always been... They are deceived, too, by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousand years, though, reckoning by the sacred writings, we find that not 6000 years have yet passed.

– Augustine, Of the Falseness of the History Which Allots Many Thousand Years to the World’s Past, The City of God, Book 12: Chapt. 10 [AD 419].

Muscles of the Back
The muscles of the back can be broken down into three groups:
superficial - muscles that act on the upper limb
intermediate - muscles of thorax
deep - muscles of vertebral column
There are 5 pairs of muscles in the superficial layer (3 are deep to the trapezius>:
latissimus dorsi
rhomboid major
rhomboid minor
levator scapulae

Types of muscles that affect low back pain
Three types of back muscles that help the spine function are extensors, flexors and obliques.

The extensor muscles are attached to the posterior (back) of the spine enable standing and lifting objects. These muscles include the large paired muscles in the lower back (erector spinae), which help hold up the spine, and gluteal muscles.

The flexor muscles are attached to the anterior (front) of the spine (which includes the abdominal muscles) enable flexing, bending forward, lifting and arching the lower back.

The oblique muscles are attached to the sides of the spine and help rotate the spine and maintain proper posture.

Exercise to help low back pain
Back muscles—like any other muscle in the body—require adequate exercise to maintain strength and tone. While muscles like the gluteals (in the thighs) are used any time we walk or climb a step, deep back muscles and abdominal muscles are usually left inactive and unconditioned. Unless muscles are specifically exercised, back muscles and abdominal muscles tend to weaken with age. Physical therapy and exercise regimens to treat low back pain usually focus on strengthening the flexor, extensor and oblique muscles to help reinforce support of the spine and in turn, reducing low back pain and sometimes eliminating the need for surgery.

The role back muscles play in low back pain
When the facet joints or certain other structures in the spine become injured or inflamed, the large back muscles can spasm and cause low back pain and marked limitation in motion.

An episode of low back pain that lasts for more than two weeks can lead to muscle weakness (since using the muscles hurts, the tendency is to avoid using them). This process leads to disuse atrophy (muscle wasting), and subsequent weakening, which in turn causes more pain because the muscles are less able to help hold up the spine.

Chronic stress can also lead to muscle weakness and back pain. Stress causes back muscles to tighten in a fight or flight response, depriving muscles of energy needed to support the spine.

Another key structure in low back pain is the hamstring muscles, the large muscles in the back of the thighs. Patients with tight hamstrings tend to develop low back pain, and those with low back pain tend to develop tight hamstrings. The theory is that tight hamstrings limit motion in the pelvis, so the motion gets transferred to the bottom lumbar motion segments and increases the stress in the low back. Rehabilitation focuses on strengthening the muscles and stretching the hamstring muscles.

Muscles and proper posture contribute to low back pain
Muscle strength and flexibility are essential to maintaining the neutral spine position. Weak abdominal muscles cause hip flexor muscles to tighten causing an increase in the curve of the low back. An unhealthy posture results when the curve is overextended called lordosis or swayback. Proper posture corrects muscle imbalances that can lead to low back pain by evenly distributing weight throughout the spine.

For "pedal point" in the mathematical sense, see pedal curve.
For the "pedal" concept in brass instruments, see pedal tone.
In tonal music, a pedal point (also pedal tone, pedal note, organ point, or just pedal) is a sustained tone, typically in the bass, during which at least one foreign, i.e., dissonant harmony is sounded in the other parts. Pedal points are often found near the end of fugues and other polyphonic compositions. Pedal points are usually on either the tonic or the dominant tones. The pedal tone is considered a chord tone in the original harmony, then a nonchord tone during the intervening dissonant harmonies, and then a chord tone again when the harmony resolves. A dissonant pedal point may go against all harmonies present during its duration, being almost more like an added tone than a nonchord tone, or pedal points may serve as atonal pitch centers.

The term comes from the organ for its ability to sustain a note indefinitely and the tendency for such notes to be played on a pedal division.

A double pedal is two pedal tones played simultaneously.

An inverted pedal is a pedal that is not in the bass (and often is the highest part.) Mozart included numerous inverted pedals in his works, particularly in the solo parts of his concertos.

An internal pedal is a pedal that is similar to the inverted pedal, except that it is played in the middle register between the bass and the upper voices.

Pedal points are somewhat problematic on the harpsichord or piano, which have only a limited sustain capability. Often the pedal note is simply repeated at intervals. A pedal tone can also be realized with a trill; this is particularly common with inverted pedals.

A drone differs from a pedal point in degree or quality. A pedal point may be a nonchord tone and thus required to resolve, unlike a drone, or a pedal point may simply be a shorter drone, a drone being a longer pedal point.

Examples of Jazz tunes which include pedal point include Duke Ellington's "Satin Doll" (intro), Bill Evans's "Skidoo", Miles Davis's "Agitation", Herbie Hancock's "Dolphin Dance", Pat Metheny's "Lakes", and John Coltrane's "Naima" (ibid). Pop songs using Pedal Points include "Fly like an Eagle" by Steve Miller Band , "Superstition " by Stevie Wonder and "Crazy" by Seal.

They say that when you spell pedal point as one word, "pedalpoint" it takes on a religious significance.
Far out. I think PEDALPOINT is a magazine for organists and piano players that specializes in Church music.

"Ped" can be the foot, or a child, depending on your twist on things, so pediatric is one thing, and pedophile is another.


Kepler, one of those extraordinary men, who appear from time to time, to bring to light
the great laws of nature, adopted sounder views. A lively imagination, which disposed him
eagerly to search for first causes, tempered by a severity of judgment that made him dread being
deceived, formed a character peculiarly fitted to investigate the unknown regions of science, and
conducted him to the discovery of three of the most important laws in astronomy.
He directed his attention to the motions of Mars, whose orbit is one of the most eccent ric
in the planetary system, and as it approaches very near the earth in its oppositions, the
inequalities of its motions are considerable; circumstances peculiarly favorable for the
determination of their laws.
He found the orbit of Mars to be an ellipse, having the sun in one of its foci; and that the
motion of the planet is such, that the radius vector drawn from its centre to the centre of the sun,
describes equal areas in equal times. He extended these results to all the planets, and in the year
1626, published the Rudolphine Tables,8 memorable in the annals of astronomy, from being the
first that were formed on the true laws of nature.
Kepler imagined that something corresponding to certain mysterious analogies, supposed
by the Pythagoreans 9 to exist in the laws of nature, might also be discovered between the mean
distances of the planets, and their revolutions around the sun: after sixteen years spent in
unavailing attempts, he at length found that the squares of the times of their sidereal revolutions
are proportional to the cubes of the greater axes of their orbits; a very important law, which was
afterwards found equally applicable to all the systems of the satellites. It was obvious to the
comprehensive mind of Kepler, that motions so regular could only arise from some universal
principle pervading the whole system. In his work De Stella Martis,10 he observes, that11 ‘two
insulated bodies would move towards one another like two magnets, describing spaces
reciprocally as their masses. If the earth and moon were not held at the distance that separates
them by some force, they would come in contact, the moon describing 53
54 of the distance, and the
earth the remainder, supposing them to be equally dense.’ ‘If,’ he continues, ‘the earth ceased to
attract the waters of the ocean, they would go to the moon by the attractive force of that body.
The attraction of the moon, which extends to the earth, is the cause of the ebb and flow of the
sea.’ Thus Kepler’s work, De Stella Martis, contains the first idea of a principle which Newton
and his successors have fully developed.

Man, it is hard to stay on your wave length when you let it fly, and start your stream of consciousness thing. I love the phrase,"solvitorian ambulandoism" --that is a cortex twister, sir.
Despite the invitations where the right hand invites, and the left hand holds the club --can you steel yourself to the point where you want to venture amongst the harpies and gargoyles of Beneroya? I wonder if the SSO has secret meetings, and secret rituals, and secret uniforms that no one sees but other members, or probable victims?

Well, hey, I hope you find that train, and figure out its destination and get back to us.


12:22 PM  
Blogger Lane Savant said...

Stella martis is from the latin insult; "de stella martis vere venisti"
You tell your insultee "that's a very interesting idea"
What it means is "you are definately from mars"
I got it from Henry Beard's book "Latin for all occaisions"
This was the subject of my first (or thereabouts) post

9:36 AM  

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