Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ho-Hum, another rant

So, now what?
Do I enter into the New York to Pyongyang debate?
You know my feelings about governments and politics.
The first word is still the last and that word is Thucydides.
The world he described thousands of years ago still remains.
Fat idiots expelling their fetid gas to mask their rattling,urine-stained knees.

That and Groucho's portrayal of a typical world leader in "Duck Soup" pretty much define the mental level of all who fall for that stupid drug.

Loren Maazel has the NY orchestra in North Korea (shudder), and you and I can still fill up the landscape with cheap plastic junk.

Put it together and whattaya got.

I can't answer that question directly due to the oppressive nature of the Walt Disney lawyers, but I'll give you a hint, it starts with "bibbity"

Ah, but you and I, babe, we'll always have Guantanamo.

For a more rational example of "lunacy", see Alex's latest picture.
Looks a lot like one of those "modern" John Cagey scores to me.

No, seriously, someone should try to play it.

I mean it.

Really, it's a very musical picture.


Oboes, strings and brass, tubas
No wait, not oboes, english horns,
english horns, tubas and strings,
english horns, tubas, violas, and basses,
with maybe some flutter tongue flute.

I will go downtown now.
Check with you later from the library.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely flutter tongue flute. Just look at Regulus and Saturn. Fluttering away. I think the moon (in my photo, not in real life) is somewhat trombone-like.

In real life it is, from our vantage point, nothing more than a pizzicato marking.

But don't tell that to the moon. I wouldn't want to insult it with any feelings of inadequacy. It is, to my eyes, more than adequate.

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I am many things, but anonymous ain't one of 'em. The above post was from me and somehow the cyber gnomes withheld attribution.

I hope it was a great bike ride-- it's a gorgeous day out!

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane:
What is so bad about the NY Philharmonic performing in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea????????????

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Lane & Alex:
I was not the "definitely flutter" Anonomous either!

4:43 PM  
Blogger Lane Savant said...

Obviously brass, though I imagine tuba because of it's smoother tone without the flatulence of the trombone at lower register.
Along with the hollow woodiness of the english horn and the dark tone of the viola it says "background radiation" to me.
Plus the tuba is more than capable of a golden crescendo to signify the rise of the present universe out of the remnants of the initial
big downbeat.

It was a gorgeous day it was an nice ride more or less.

I don't know what is so bad about the NY to NK concert.
There is some discussion about it on other sites.
Check Soho and Omniscient Mussel and their links.

11:15 AM  

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