Nice picture
Well, it must bein Arizona.
At some cliff dwelling nobody lives in anymore.
I'm not quite up to posting much today,
Meredith is out in the garden,
pulling weeds,
making me feel guilty.
I like this picture because its gentle and relaxed.
No greatness or meaning to speak of.
Just a path with trees.
In a warm climate.
No underbrush.
Not necessarily going anywhere.
I've got work to do on the others
so they will fit and,mainly,
rename them so I can find the right ones
When I want to post.
Labels: Trees
It does look like Arizona, or part of Utah, or part of New Mexico, or the western edge of Colorado. Do not buckle under to guilt just because Meredith "chooses" to be in the garden pulling weeds. You "choose" to communicate with us, the peanut gallery out here in cyberland.
There is something to be said for pics and jaunts down a gentle uncluttered path, in the warmth, with a modicum of underbrush, to nowhere particular.
Friday night it was 85 here in Sumner, so at 5pm Melva and I took off for Paradise and Mt. Rainier. We were up there at the lodge by 6:30pm, and it was a brisk 48 degrees. The sky was so blue it hurts your eyes to look at the glacial majesty of Herself, Rainier. Kind of smoggy in the lowlands, but not on top or the ring of fire, not on top of the world, Ma!
Hallo, Y'all!
36 degrees Fahrenheit is approx. 3 degrees centegrade. Snow in mid-May; that's somepin!! Here, it was approx 70 degrees Fahrenheit then; now we have a cold wave (= about 8 degrees Fahrenheit).
Anonoman (+LL)
Hallo, Lane+Meredith+Keth!
In the evening of 27 May, the unusual creature that enters your house will not be a racoon, but will probably be me. Please do not shoot the intruder.
Hallo, Lane!
I did not know anything gree grows in Aridzona! Thanks for the photo that (?Proves?) otherwise (or was it taken in wetrigon??)??
Mit Skepsis,
Hallo, Y'all!
Pulling weeds is a big part of gardening, I've learned as the LL's apprentice gardener. Weeds grow faster and thicker than the "productive" garden plants.
Weeds MUST be pulled, whether one likes that task or not.
The path did go somewhere, it went to "Montezuma,s Castle" picture later.
I find it slanderous that anyone would claim I was ever in Arizona.
My lawyers will be contacting you shortly.
I had enough to deal with back home in Mexico.
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